BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc

About BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc

BioMarin is a global biotechnology company that relentlessly pursues bold science to translate genetic discoveries into new medicines that advance the future of human health.


Process Sciences Intern

June 2021 - September 2021 Novato, CA
“The company was quick to accommodate to interns despite the pandemic and they did this by making the internship mostly remote. For interns that need to be on site (ex. to do experiments) it was a hybrid internship and was still mostly remote. The people were very nice and always eager to help despite having better things to do. My manager was very attentive and kind and always checked in with me to make sure I was getting the best out of the internship.”

Device Engineering Intern

June 2019 - September 2019 Novato, CA
“I was given free reign to complete my projects. Had a mentor who I was assigned to and worked with a really supportive team. Held weekly seminars with the company executives who talked about how they got to the place they currently are.”
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