Ferguson Construction Company

Field Co-Op

May - August 2024 • Sidney, OH

What I liked

During my co-op job with Ferguson Construction, I enjoyed the hands-on experience that allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge to real-world projects, as well as the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals who provided invaluable mentorship. The collaborative environment fostered strong teamwork and friendships, and the diversity of projects kept the work dynamic and challenging. I was particularly impressed by the company's commitment to innovation and involvement in the community, which resonated with my personal values and career aspirations. This experience has shown me the process of how a construction site operates and the detailed planning that goes into each project.

What I wish was different

One thing I wish had been different during my co-op job with Ferguson Construction was having more structured feedback sessions. While the hands-on experience and mentorship were invaluable, more frequent and formal feedback would have helped me better understand my progress and areas for improvement. Additionally, having clearer goals and expectations for each phase of the co-op would have provided more direction and focus. This would have enhanced my learning experience and allowed me to make even greater contributions to the projects I was involved in.


One piece of advice I would offer based on this experience is to actively seek out opportunities to learn and grow beyond your immediate tasks. Engage with different teams, ask questions, and take on new challenges whenever possible. Building a strong network and understanding the various aspects of construction projects will provide you with a well-rounded perspective and enhance your professional development. This proactive approach will not only enrich your current experience but also set a solid foundation for your future career.
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May - August 2024 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I liked how they allowed me to get an idea of all the construction industry had to offer. My role included a lot of labor, working right alongside the people that I would be in charge of one day as a project manager. I learned a lot of valuable skills and honed my problem solving skills. Overall I was able to gain a better understanding of how a project is ran by starting at the bottom of the food chain as a laborer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten more experience in the design and planning of civil engineering. I was involved a lot in the day to day goings on of a construction project but didn't really get to see the bigger picture. Hopefully next time I get to be able to see things like budgeting and working with clients to solve problems.


I was a bit skeptical about working a very labor heavy internship as opposed to being in the office or working in a managerial role. However, I think that this gave me a better appreciation and understanding of the work that goes into a project by being the one that actually helped build it. It helps you see how all the pieces fit together and also helps you build a strong connection between you and your coworkers that you could be potentially in charge of in the future. It also helps hone your communication skills.
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Project Manager Co-Op

January - August 2022 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

I really liked how many opportunities they give you. I mean literally within the first few months; I had already learned enough to be able to do a small-scale project on my own. Ferguson makes opportunities available to you that I feel other companies can't. Someone was always there to answer any questions I had, and they always made sure that what I wanted to do, I was able to do. I can't thank them enough for that.

What I wish was different

My second term I was sent to a project to help assist and learn from the project supervisor. However, the first day I got there it was like the supervisor wasn't expecting me. It took me three days to actually have a face-to-face conversation with him. On the other hand, this allowed me to talk and learn from other ironworkers and concrete workers and make experiences for myself.


One piece of advice I have is do the office internship first, then the field one second. At least for me this was one of the smartest decisions I could have made. In the office job I had a few holes in my knowledge from just not having the experience. My second co-op allowed for me to fill those holes and really see what I couldn't picture in my head before. Again, Ferguson was there to give me the opportunity to do that. Another piece of advice is if you have a desire to learn or do something, ASK. That's what I did every time, and I learned so much in the 8 months I was with this company.
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Engineering CO-OP

January - May 2022 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

Through this experience, I enjoyed how the company allowed for me to perform my own task. If i had a question, they would not hesitate to answer. This included any employee that was in the office or the field. The environment allowed for me to feel comfortable with my collogues as well as clients. In addition, I enjoyed that Ferguson gave me the opportunity to expand my skills by allowing me to become more hands on in the field in some cases.

What I wish was different

Overall, I enjoyed my experience. However, I do wish I had the ability to go home more often. Ferguson is accommodating when requesting time off, but in cases for holidays such as Easter, I would have enjoyed being with my family a bit longer. Ferguson Construction Company appreciates their employees and do their best to fulfill the employee's need. In my experience, I did not feel that there would be any difference that I would want.


One piece of advice I would share would be to ask questions. Though my internship I would ask questions daily. At first, I felt that I was being irritating asking so many. However, the company insist that you ask questions. The best way to learn in my case was asking questions. Asking questions allowed for me to understand an assignment I was given, and to make sure I was completing it correctly.
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Construction Estimator Intern

January 2022 • Dayton, OH

What I liked

One thing that I liked about my co-op experience was how much I learned about construction. I went into my co-op position with very little construction knowledge. Everyone in the office was friendly and answered all the questions I had about construction. Another thing that I liked about my co-op experience was the culture in the office. Everyone was there for each other when they needed help.

What I wish was different

One thing that I wish had been different was to go on more site visits. Site visits are an excellent way to learn about the construction process. Going into my co-op experience with little construction knowledge, I felt I learned a lot by going on site visits. Site visits helped me see how a building comes together. This helped my estimating skills by seeing what all was needed to have a complete estimate.


One piece of advice I would share about this experience is to not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are an opportunity to learn. Someone is there to review your work for accuracy. They will bring the mistake to your attention and explain how it should be. They will answer questions you have and make sure you understand.
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