Micron Technology Inc.


May - August 2021 • Manassas, VA

What I liked

The working environment is very good. You need to learn a lot in order to do the work. People are friendly and willing to help you. You always have a chance to apply what you have learned at school to a real job and show up what is your skills and your ideas.

What I wish was different

Solving the solution with a short time deadline in new materials.


Micron is a good company with amazing benefits. The working condition is very good. I have learned a lot when I do my internship at Micron.
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testing solutions engineer intern

June - September 2021 • Boise, ID

What I liked

They have so many resources and people available to help you with everything.

What I wish was different

I wish I had mentors and buddys like the other Interns in other teams mentioned they had. It might have just been my team that was different.


Micron’s expectations (at least within my team) was that they would give you tasks and wait for you to finish them. They might check in and ask if you need help and such, but it was very much up to you to finish the task and figure it out. There was no real timelines, but I did have to check in everyday with the team.
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Finance Business Unit Intern

May - August 2022 • Boise, ID

What I liked

I really enjoyed being able to work in a challenging environment with a project that made a difference to the company itself. I was able to connect across the entire Business in legal, operations, sales, marketing, etc. to generate my final results. My team was super helpful and friendly and the benefits were amazing.

What I wish was different

I wish that I was able to connect with more employees outside of my team.


Always ask about post-grad job positions to make it known if you want to join the company. Don't be afraid as it will benefit you regardless of if you take the position or not in the long run.
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Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion Intern

February - September 2020 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

There was tons of opportunity to learn and grow from the experience. I was able to accomplish so much over the 7 months that I interned with Micron.

What I wish was different

I wish my manager had been more supportive of me. So much of the experience was me being thrown into the assignment/task, and then bad feedback was given back to me. It wasn't easy to learn her work style and understand her preferences/what she was looking for.


Go to Micron with an open mind. Involve yourself and be sure to reach out to people cross-functionally.
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Diversity, Equality, & Inclusion Intern

February - September 2020 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I got exposure to so many different parts of HR it was really fantastic. Also, the team that I worked with treated me more like a full-time employee than an intern which was pretty awesome.

What I wish was different


Have a "yes, and..." attitude -- never say no to picking up an extra project.
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ASIC Characterization Jr Engineer

June 2020 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

I like that I got hands on experience working with hardware. This job pushed me to learn new concepts that I am not familiar with and apply the skills I have obtained from my major into a different field of study mainly Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering. I liked working with others and developing scripts that were used by myself and others. Overall was a very memorable experience!

What I wish was different

I wish my CO-OP didn't occur when a pandemic/California wildfires were going on. These two factors halted some of our progress and is very unfortunate timing.


Be a teamplayer, always ask for help when needed, and be coachable. This internship will make you work hard and you will learn a lot.
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NAND Product Engineer Intern

May 2020 • Boise, ID

What I liked

I liked the ability to work on difficult problems that I knew had an impact on the company. I had a great supervisor that gave me guidance and then gave me space to innovate.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship could have been more lab work, but it couldn't be helped because of the pandemic.


Don't be afraid to reach out to other people you work with. Creating a network early on is super helpful because when you need advice you know who to ask.
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Industrial Manufacturing Engineer

May 2020 • Manassas, VA

What I liked

Being Challenged every day and bringing value to a hard working team.

What I wish was different

Opportunities for some time off.


Ask questions when you need to so that you can become a greater resource in the future.
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Product Test Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

The people were great and they were willing to give me ownership of a useful project for the company.

What I wish was different

Wider variety of things to do. I felt burnt out on my project by the end, but they were limited due to IP reasons.


Sometimes the best opportunities aren't at the first place you look, IM Flash was at the BYU ECEN recruiting dinner and I didn't realize that they were looking for computer engineers as well as electrical engineers until a friend mentioned that they were so about 10 minutes before everyone was supposed to leave I went and talked to them and gave them my resume and was able to get an interview and get hired after that. So don't leave events like that too early, because you never know what opportunities might be waiting for you.
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Equipment Technician

December 2017 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

IM Flash is a great company for interns. They take a good amount of time to teach the interns, all about the company. The HR department as well as the each section of the company will work with the interns to get the most out of their work. When I got hired on they understood that I was in school. so they let me work the hours that I needed to go with my school. They really care about us interns.

What I wish was different

I came in during a transition period, so there were times that I had to figure out what I am to do. By my self, so it was not always easy. I wish I came in after the transition so things were less hectic.


You will get out of this internship what you put in to it. If you work hard and listen to your coworkers they can help you out tons. just do not be afraid to jump on a project that you may not know all about you can learn a lot that way. If you show you are working hard and smart they will like you just for that.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

The culture at IM Flash is incredible. An environment where teamwork is encouraged and the amount of knowledge you can gain is only limited by yourself.

What I wish was different


Make the most of it. Participate in all of the activities and network with as many people you can there. They are all friendly and caring and it makes for a very positive experience.
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Process Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

Company is extremely value-based. Open work environment. Never felt hesitant to ask for help. Plenty of autonomy.

What I wish was different

There was a little too much down time.


If you have the opportunity, take it.
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Product Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

I loved the problems that I was tasked to solve. I felt like the problems I was working on during the summer were actually going to contribute to the company and they needed the solutions. I met a lot of great people and learned a lot as well.

What I wish was different

Nothing much, I wish I could've learned more about the product at the time. But that's understandable since it is a new product and they don't want their knowledge to reach competition.


I would advise people to be willing to learn and ask questions. IM Flash cares about your growth and they want you to succeed. So asking questions and learning everything you can makes a difference.
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Product Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Boise, ID

What I liked

Challenging project and there was always someone to help when I needed it. Also, great intern events.

What I wish was different

More diversity within engineering. Not many people of color.


Make sure to network and build relationships with people you come across. They were incredibly helpful during the process and can help with future opportunities.
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Database Administration Intern

May - December 2019 • Boise, ID

What I liked

Real projects, real experience, and an invested intern program.

What I wish was different

I wish I had connected with more interns.


Make the most out of all the opportunities provided in an internship experience.
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Research and Development Yield Enhancement SEM Technician

May 2017 • Boise, ID

What I liked

I enjoyed the broad scope of processes that I worked with and getting to see the results of hundred of experiments.

What I wish was different

I think Micron's culture is not very engaging towards young people.


I would get into the MYP mentor program and find a mentor to help your network and navigate the company's corporate system.
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Sales Analyst Intern

April 2019 • Boise, ID

What I liked

Flexibility, willing to help answer my questions. New exposure, pay. People.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more business people I could have interacted with as other interns


Take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.
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DRAM Product Engineering Intern

June - September 2019 • Boise, ID

What I liked

Every employee I met was really nice. They gave me an important project that was challenging and contributed to the team's productivity.

What I wish was different

I wish the location had been closer to Seattle.


Talk to as many new people as you can while you're interning. Those connections are easy to start, and are very beneficial for your own knowledge and future career.
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Process Engineer

May 2018 - August 2019 • Manassas, VA

What I liked

Everything. The area, the people, the work, It was an excellent experience

What I wish was different

The work I was specifically doing got old after awhile but job work is very awesome.


Do not do a 15 month coop before your Junior year it's hell to come back to lol
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Probe Test Intern

April - August 2018 • Boise, ID

What I liked

Very good learning environment. People were very kind and useful. A lot of good internship events/big intern class. They provided really cheap housing (~$120/paycheck) in a nice quality apartment complex (I stayed in student apartments) which included utilities and basic supplies like dinner ware & bed sheets. There was also a free maid service every two weeks.

What I wish was different

I wish transportation was easier (need to carpool but struggled at the beginning). I didn't like having to staying in a hotel the first 2 weeks because there wasn't any apartments available yet.


You're not expected to be an expert when you start a new job especially when it's your first experience working in the field. Feel open to ask for help when you're stuck, it'll impress people more that you know when to ask versus staying stuck.
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